Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Moral of the Story

We recently spent the evening with some dear friends; a young couple and their adorable baby girl. They just moved to Orlando from the panhandle. Something happened that evening that made us laugh. It was the kind of thing you pray never happens when you have guests in your home. To their credit, they laughed just as hard as we did.

To protect the innocent I'll use anonymous names. Let's call the husband Kenner, the wife Missie, and the baby girl Summer. We were sitting in their living room talking and Summer was running around being her adorable sixteen month old self. She was the entertainment for the evening, even more so than we imagined.

Photo Credit - Her Momma

As any parent knows, little ones get into everything. They also have the tendency to swipe things from around the house and put them in the most unexpected places. You might find a wooden spoon in the laundry bin, legos under the couch cushions, or a bottle stuffed into the living room recliner. Life is always an adventure when children are part of your world.

At one point during the evening Summer toddled over to the speaker sitting on the floor, reached into a hole at the bottom, and pulled out a pair of Kenner's boxer shorts then proceeded to put them on her head like a hat! We howled, Summer smiled, Kenner grabbed his shorts, and Missie said she hoped they were clean! Apparently Kenner wads up clean shorts and stuffs them into the speaker to keep the bass down so they don't disturb their neighbors. Who knew!

So, the moral of the story is: Never stuff your boxer shorts, clean or dirty, into your speakers. Odds are your baby girl will pull them out in front of company and put them on her head.

1 comment:

Bonnie Anderson said...

These seem like my kind of people. I'll bet Kenner is glad he's not a briefs guy.