Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Fab Four Do New York - "What Happens in New York Stays in New York!"

November 21, 2012
Day #1

We arrive at Orlando International Airport
Emily Jessee, Marilyn Kiester, Janine Warner, and me
Otherwise known as the Fab Four
Our departing travel plans go smoothly
Then Emily gets a little pat-down at the security check
I’m trying to choke down Dramamine pills without water
Marilyn’s sage advice is to save up some spit first
She’s not only super helpful, she’s also brilliant
As we board the plane Janine wants to know if the pilot is cute
They usually are; I don’t think I've ever seen an unattractive airline pilot
I’m still pinching myself and no, not over the cute pilot




I cannot believe the Fab Four is winging their way through blue skies
On the way to the Big Apple; I don’t think New York is prepared
We settle in, buckle our seat belts and look at each other in disbelief
We’re really flying to New York to watch the Macy’s parade tomorrow
In the meantime, I congratulate Mark, our fantastic flight attendant

On his fine demonstration during pre-flight procedures
He laughingly threatens to use me as the model for the bright yellow inflatable vests
Blinking lights and all – oh goody!
I’m pretty sure he reports seats 13 B, C, D and E as possible troublemakers
He not too far off
I hope we make it through the whole trip without any major incidents
Or police involvement
Several friends have suggested someone alert the NYPD or the mayor
Janine has already asked Johnny, her brother, to be ready with bail money for four
One can never tell when we’re together
Our motto is, “What happens in New York stays in New York!”
Unless, of course, it’s blog-worthy
We land around 1:45 in the afternoon
OMG! Welcome to New York City

Our first cabbie is an Indian gentleman
Who drives like a bat out of hell
I've heard stories about cab rides in New York City
They’re all true!
New York cab drivers only seem to have two speeds –
Mario Andretti race mode or slamming on the brakes every five feet
In the backseat, Emily is either sucking in her breath
Or grabbing the cab seat with her derriere
Marilyn is tucked very snugly between Emily and I; poor woman
At least there’s no danger of her sliding across the seat
As we take every street corner at a breakneck pace
Janine is in the front seat talking politics and sports with the driver
With great gusto, a loud voice, and hand motions
I think she’ll fit right in
Traffic is really bad and it takes nearly an hour to reach our hotel
This is a miracle in and of itself
It’s amazing how the taxi drivers weave in and out of traffic in very small places
Between hordes of people who simple can’t be bothered with pedestrian etiquette
The crush of other cars, buses, taxis, tour buses, bicycles, and trucks,
Not to mention the constant presence of construction crews at work everywhere,
And the crazy tangle of one-way streets - it’s amazing we  didn't hit anything

Our second cabbie is a polite Haitian man and former Miami resident
He and Janine talked politics the entire ride
Fingers point, voices raise
As they compare and contrast Michael Bloomberg and Rudi Giuliani
All the while I’m thinking silently to myself
“Please don’t anger this man! Who knows where he might drop us off!”

With each successive cab ride today, the vehicles got smaller and smaller
Marilyn, Emily and I just get cozier and cozier
It’s a good thing we really like each other and put on deodorant this morning

More of Day #1 - The 9/11 Memorial and the Empire State Building

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